Whole Life Magazine

August/September 2013

Issue link: http://digital.copcomm.com/i/147095

Contents of this Issue


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Vol. 36, No. 4 Aug/Sept, 2013 Whole Life Times 36 contents Departments Features city of angels 30 11 Upheaval in Silver Lake: As the town braces for construction, residents weigh the potential 12 Krishna Das would object to that title, but facts are facts Scene in the Southland: Lightning in a Bottle, Moksha, Mystic Journey 16 Leaning Together to Save Mother Earth: Bioneers Conference calls for a whole-system approach whole living 17 26 Resonant Healing: Music has power to heal spirit and body 20 34 Rock Your Body: Post-harvest antioxidants, saved by a tree, turn up the tunes 18 Sex Talk: Yoga of Intimacy 26 Eat Here Now: Feed Body + Soul Hip, healthy and delicious 27 The transformative power of the sweat lodge 36 Expanded Vision In every issue 6 From the Editor 10 Contributors Yoga on the Edge: What we do in the studio mirrors our lives taste of health Native American Ritual The allure of ayahuasca yoga & spirit 24 Up Close with the King of Kirtan 14 People in Your Community 28 22 Hot off the Press 39 Art & Soul 42 Professional Services When Bitter Is Better: Exploring the Paleo Diet 48 Calendar 49 Classifieds success track Don't Give lessons 28 Britain's GotUp: Lifewinner from Susan Boyle, Talent 29 Start Somewhere, but Start: When opportunity collides with preparedness backwords Meditating Makes Me 50 taught me how to sit a Better Mom: My baby 8 wholelifetimesmagazine.com on the cover 50 WLT art director Daniel Donnelly collaged photographs by Carla Cummings and Rameshwar Das to create this compelling time-lapse image of kirtan singer Krishna Das, then and now.

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