Whole Life Magazine

August/September 2013

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ART SUPPLIES (575) 770-5720 merrill.lj@gmail.com CULTURE HEALING & WELLNESS INTUITIVE READINGS & The Leader In Mind Body Fitness Education Since 1994 Y ogaFit® YogaFit World 's largest yoga school offers over 1000 trainings across North America annuallly. Join us at a Mind Body Fitness Conference to practice or get your 200/500 Hour RYT & 800 IAYT Yoga Therapy. yogafit.com DVDs, CDs & Clothing FOR RENT healings with Wallace Gibbons Rediscover the abundance and blessings of your life, your own answers. Clear old patterns, thoughts, blocked energies in mind, body and feelings, and create a new life, love and abundance from your own source. Remember yourself as the Spirit You Are. DONATE your car FAST FREE PICKUP RUNNING OR NOT TAX DEDUCTION LIVE OPERATORS 7 DAYS 818/720-6116 www.Spiritual-Reminders.net HEALTH INSURANCE BEAUTIFUL OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Beautiful Tranquil Office Space For Rent - $575/mo. Prestigious Westlake Village/ Thousand Oaks Area! Waiting Room/Housekeeping/ Utilities/ Free Parking - Included! Seeking Professional / Healing - Metaphysical Arts Therapeutic Fields. Share Amazing Furnished Office - Must See- Details - Photos! Call Anthony (818)430-8606 HEALING & WELLNESS TAX DEDUCTION call (800) 334-7504 Cancer Control Society has provided public information on Alternative Therapies and Nutritional Approaches to cancer and other diseases since 1973. HELP WANTED WEALTH BUILDING ADVERTISING SALES Join the Whole Life Times team! rch 2013 | February/Ma FREE s ex & l ove destinations to-die-for guide love gift share the us & hazardo tattoos hot Work from home, commission based. Must have ad sales experience. 310.425.3056 Ext. 101 SELF IMPROVEMENT Consider Placing Your Ad in our NEXT issue. EDUCATION WWW.A2ZHEALTH.NET Massage schools. Become a massage therapist in just a few months. Save thousands of dollars. Flexible and affordable payment plan. State approved. 300-, 500-, 1,000hour programs. Call 1-888-317-2029 for a free class. FOOD for HEALTH & PLEASURE Close: Sept. 20 Release: Oct. 1 310.425.3056 Ask about a 3x discount! august / september 2013 49 CLASSIFIEDS STAINED GLASS SUPPLIES Value well over $50,000— Asking only $15,000. Retiring from the craft after 30 years, but still have a LOT of glass and other supplies. Huge reduction from retail value, but must sell all in ONE LOT. Located near Taos, NM—will refund reasonable transport costs, whether hired or DIY. Pictures and complete, detailed list available. EDUCATION

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