CAS Awards

57th Annual CAS Awards

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W W W . M C D S P . C O M Congratulations to all CAS Award Nominees and Honorees! THE 57TH ANNUAL CAS AWARDS C I N E M A A U D I O S O C I E T Y 5 3 RED CARPET/PRESS MEDIA/TALENT Zack Teperman, Talent/Red Carpet Captain STUDENT GIFT BAG OUTREACH Dorothea Sargent INVITATIONS Andy Gustin AWARDS Schlanser Designs Studio OUTSTANDING PRODUCT AWARDS James H. Coburn IV CAS PERIGON LIAISON Rachel Ross LUNCHPOOL LIAISON Mary Vamvoukakis SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR LOCATIONS AMC: The Walking Dead: World Beyond Capitol Studios The Formosa Group Skywalker Sound Smart Post Sound Sony SPECIAL THANKS TO: Dan Evans, IngleDodd Media Michael Gaiser, IngleDodd Media WRITTEN BY Kelly Hernacki Carol Thomas SHOW ANNOUNCER Dina Morrone TELEPROMPTER SERVICES Donald Frye BALLOT TABULATIONS VoteNet Solutions, Inc. SPONSORSHIPS/ADS Dan Dodd, IngleDodd Media Jill Carrigan, IngleDodd Media Dorothea Sargent, IngleDodd Media PROGRAM BOOK COORDINATOR Carol Thomas PROGRAM BOOK DESIGN & PRINTING Lynda Karr Mitsakos, IngleDodd Media Ruth Kaplan, IngleDodd Media CAS OFFICE Carol Thomas Ben Bernardi CAS PUBLICIST Dorothea Sargent

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