CAS Awards

57th Annual CAS Awards

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T H E 5 7 T H A N N U A L C A S A W A R D S C I N E M A A U D I O S O C I E T Y 9 A TOAST TO OUR VOLUNTEERS You may have read in our quarterly magazine that the founder of the CAS, Robert "Bob" Hoyt, had an idea to create an opportunity so that mixers could meet and socialize before they worked together. You also may have wondered how our organization has succeeded since its inception in 1964. It's because of our hardworking volunteers. Members of our organization who have decided to give back to the industry by giving up their nights and weekends to contribute their energies to make this organization grow and thrive. The CAS has grown from that small group called "The Gang of Nine" to this fantastic international organization of around 1,000 members. If you turn your program to the page naming the Board of Directors and to the last two pages of Acknowledgments, you will see the members who volunteered their time and talent to put on tonight's fantastic event. In addition to our annual CAS Awards, the CAS also holds membership meetings, publishes the CAS Quarterly four times a year, hosts a podcast, holds screenings, hosts technical seminars, and numerous social events. There have been 22 presidents and many Board of Directors under them. Over the years, they have guided the CAS to where it is today. Take a moment to acknowledge your brothers and sisters in the CAS who have brought the organization to where it is today. And when there is an opportunity, volunteer your time so the CAS can continue to grow. by Historian James A. Corbe CAS MPSE

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