CAS Quarterly

Spring 2021

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26 S P R I N G 2 0 2 1 I C A S Q U A R T E R L Y Multi-hyphenate George Clooney will receive the Cinema Audio Society Filmmaker Award at the 57th Annual CAS Awards on April 17, 2021, in a virtual awards celebration. "The CAS could not be more excited to honor Mr. George Clooney with our Filmmaker Award," said CAS President Karol Urban. "George embodies a strength of character that not only shows in the integrity and preeminence of his works, but in the way he regards and is regarded by his creative teams and collaborators. In such a time of uncertainty, his hardworking, innovative, and generous demeanor and body of exceptional lms and television projects makes him an especially exemplary lmmaker for 2020." George Clooney is recognized as much for his global humanitarian efforts as he is for his accomplishments in the entertainment industry. Photo of George Clooney by Anette Nantell/Dagens Nyheter/TT/Sipa USA George Clooney to Be Honored with Cinema Audio Society Filmmaker Award

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