The Tasting Panel magazine

June 2013

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Bar Manager, Laurel Hardware, West Hollywood, CA I PHOTO: ERICA BARTEL Taking Inventory with. . . Cole Apodaca t's not often that a business closes, and the next business that opens in the space keeps the same name. It's even less common when the first business is a hardware store and the next is a bar, but that's exactly what happened at Laurel Hardware in West Hollywood, CA. "And we got to keep the old sign," laughs Bar Manager Cole Apodaca. At this neighborhood hangout, Apodaca and his staff churn out seasonally-driven cocktails with a distinctively L.A. flair: all-natural, just lightly-sweet vodka cocktails rule the roost here. "I take a real culinary approach," says Apodaca. "I like to put weird fruits and veggies in cocktails, and we do a lot of infusions," he continues, pointing to a rainbow of cocktails on the bar, each chockfull of farmers' market ingredients. "Using less sugar and fresh fruits and veggies, it's easy to get people excited in a town this health conscious." "We really try to provide easy, refreshing cocktails without reinventing the wheel or revisiting classic cocktails. Everyone does that!" But that doesn't mean Apodaca isn't Cole Apodaca, Bar Manager at Laurel Hardware in constantly coming Los Angeles. up with new ideas: From unique cocktails with out-there ingredients like kombucha (fermented tea) and Szechwan "buzz buttons" ("People love them so much that we actually just sell buzz buttons," laughs Apodaca), to a burgeoning whiskey selection, Apodaca is all about offering his guests a unique drinking experience. "We have a few drinks on the menu that I've maybe talked some people into—but they always end up liking it." We sat down with Apodaca to find out what makes him rant and what makes him rave. THE "5" LIST Cole Apodaca's Top Five Faves 1 Characters. I love animated, fun people who are out for a good time. 2 Introducing people to new liquors and cocktails. 3 Keeping up with the regulars who live nearby, or commute to see us! 4 Every night has the potential to be totally different from the previous. 5 My staff! The people I work with make it all so fun. Cole Apodaca's Five Pet Peeves 1 Whistling or waving to get a bartender's attention. We see you! 2 String ordering. If I ask if that's all, and you say yes but then order more drinks when I come back with your cocktails, it slows us down. 3 Ordering drinks from another restaurant's menu. We don't know what's in them! 4 People who ask to be "hooked up. " 5 Yelling out cocktail orders when we aren't even looking at you. 160  /  the tasting panel  /  june 2013 TP0613_120-156.indd 160 5/23/13 4:57 PM

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