The Tasting Panel magazine

June 2013

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RESTAURANTS THAT MATTER Honolulu Classics HAWAII'S CAPITAL OFFERS SEAFOOD THAT DAZZLES by Merrill Shindler PHOTO COURTESY OF HIROSHI EURASIAN TAPAS A duo sushi plate at Hiroshi. T here are those whose dream of Hawaii includes a luau at a hotel the size of a small city, with a pig steaming in a hole in the ground, platters of lomi lomi salmon and kalua pork, tastefully underdressed girls dancing the hula and the sound of Don Ho singing "Tiny Bubbles." There are those who think Carnival Cruises are great fun—even if they're stuck in the middle of the Caribbean. I am not one of them. When I go to Honolulu, it isn't for the joys of shopping for a DayGlo shirt in the boutiques of Waikiki. It's to eat poke—lots and lots of poke. Along with mahi mahi, ono, opakapaka, ulua, akule, laenihi—and so many more, many of them even less pronounceable. This is a land fed by some of the most magnificent seafood in the world—an ocean full of them. And the Restaurants That Matter serve that seafood—and so much more. 120  /  the tasting panel  /  june 2013 TP0613_120-156.indd 120 5/23/13 4:53 PM

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