MPSE Wavelength

Summer 2020

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Elevate your professional position by joining the elite group of sound editing artists who are shaping the future of our industry. Here are some of the benefits you will receive when your MPSE application is approved: • Screeners for awards consideration mailed to your home • Free screenings of first run films throughout the year • Exclusive access to Q&As with the industry's top talent • Recognition as an elite member of the international sound editing community • Exclusive invitations to industry events • Discounts on tickets at select theaters • Exclusive access to networking functions not available to the public • Opportunity to become a Board Member, a€ording you a greater voice and impact on issues facing our industry JOIN US THE BENEFITS OF MPSE MEMBERSHIP 15315 Magnolia Blvd., Suite 408 Sherman Oaks, Ca 91403 Prsrt Std U.S. Postage Paid SantaAna, Ca Permit No. 450

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