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ONLINE TOP TWEET @educationweek Many schools don���t have the high-speed Internet connections needed to make full use of #edtech tools. WHAT���S NEW AT CTA.ORG MOST POPULAR FACEBOOK POST HAPPENINGS AT THE CAPITOL March 6 What happens at the state Capitol can affect every teacher, education support professional, and student in the state. Check out the Capitol News to ���nd out what���s going on. FAVORITE COMMENTS MORE TOP TWEETS Josi Kneisel | March 8 When my sisters and I were born, my mother was not allowed to teach from the sixth month of pregnancy until we were about three months old. This was not a maternity leave; she was not paid at all. Right when she needed her health insurance the most, she not only had no income, but had to pay her own insurance premiums and hospital bills. My father was attending UCLA, so he had no income and had to pay tuition. We forget how bad it was to be a teacher and how much CTA and unions have done for all teachers, but especially for women and their families. @KatrinaNation | March 8 Dow rides higher than ever. Ain���t it time for a tax on Wall Street to rebuild Main Street? legislation ARE YOU COVERED? From April 1 to May 31, if you have disability or life insurance through a carrier not endorsed by CTA, you can switch to The Standard, the only CTA-endorsed insurer. APRIL IS NATIONAL POETRY MONTH On the advice of educators across the country, the Academy of American Poets selected April as the best time of year to turn attention toward the art of poetry. 877 likes Janey Brunton-Munoz | March 13 Special ed staff at my middle school is stretched to the limits and beyond. We���ve been doing more with less for years. There is nowhere else to move. 124 shares 8 comments @SoCoLaura | March 2 Did you know that @CATeachersAssoc came out against the internment of Japanese during WWII? I my union! @patrickmlarkin | March 11 Investing now, when it���s dif���cult, is the single best moment. @TheJLV | Feb 28 I love parent-teacher conferences. Having real conversations with students and parents matters for us. @richardcostigan | Feb 19 #CalPERSBoard just took vote directing @CalPERS staff to divest stock holdings in gun manufacturers. VIRAL VIDEO Parent Trigger: Teachers and parents in Adelanto discuss how parent trigger proponents there tricked parents with false promises, divided the community and disrupted young lives. April 2013 5