CAS Quarterly

Winter 2020

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Page 53 of 83

It's November 17, 1964, at the Tail o' the Cock restaurant on Ventura Boulevard—a favorite gathering place. Nine men, later known as the "Gang of Nine," were meeting to discuss an idea. This thought was hatched in the mind of Robert "Bob" Hoyt. This was not a nefarious meeting of gangsters or a money-making scheme of thieves. No, this was a meeting of dubbing mixers getting together and bonding. Generally, mix projects would entail three or four mixers: dialogue, music, sound effects, and often for television, a laugh machine. Bob envisioned that if there was a networking organization where mixers had the opportunity to meet and nurture social connections, then when brought together by a project, they would be that much more successful with a foundation of affinity and familiarity. b y C A S H i s t o r i a n J a m e s A . C o r b e t t C A S M P S E , w i t h c o n t r i b u t i o n s f r o m A l e t h a R o d g e r s C A S How the CINEMA AUDIO SOCIETY Got Its Start and How Our Founder Left His Mark

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