CAS Quarterly

Fall 2019

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86 F A L L 2 0 1 9 C A S Q U A R T E R L Y Karol Urban CAS MPSE and Kurtis Ewing visit the trucks mixing the Dodgers game. Mike Murrie (sound PA), Michael Capulli (utility), Jason Johnston (boom), and Jon Ailetcher CAS (production mixer) on the set of Chicago P.D. Steven A. Morrow CAS on the set of Ford v Ferrari mixing one of the night scenes on pit row. T H E L I G H T E R S I D E Devin Golub CAS is off to a great start on Season 4 of American Housewife. The cast and crew are great. Fingers crossed for a back nine pickup. With David Hadder on boom and Steve Blazewick doing some great utility work, along with 2nd booming. James Ridgley CAS working with Kate del Castillo from tons of films and television shows. We know that your soundtracks are smokin' hot, but how about your food? Fred Ginsburg CAS has formed a private Facebook group called "Sound and Food" for members of our industry who love to grill, slow smoke, and cook! Good times were had with friends at the LA Sound Mixers organized Dodgers game. Lincoln Morrison, Carrie Sheldon CAS, Kelly Ambrow, Chris Howland CAS, and Jordan Kadovitz. Above: Kurtis Ewing, Pattey Ryane, Carrie Sheldon CAS, and Lincoln Morrison.

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