CDG - The Costume Designer

Summer 2019

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50 The Costume Designer Summer 2019 GWYN CONAWAY Gwyn Conaway is a Costume Designer and concept art- ist that specializes in world building and 3D cloth simu- lation. In addition to work- ing in film, she is faculty at Art Center College of Design, where she teaches history of fashion to entertainment artists through the lens of world-building. She also consults for and runs master classes on Marvelous Designer for major feature animation studios. Her book, Talking Threads: Costume Design for Enter- tainment Art, authors: Rebecca Black-Gliko, Jessie Kate Bui, Gwyn Conaway, Maria Ferrera Kercher, and Blythe Russo, will be coming out later this year. Backed by decades of experi- ence of five industry professionals, Talking Threads provides an in-depth exploration of these functions and format con- siderations to equip artists with the necessary knowledge and mindset to develop strong narrative-informed costume designs. Each chapter is packed with creative exercises, de- tailed tutorials, inspiring designs, and invaluable insights that will help artists of all levels confidently and efficiently tackle their next costume adventure.

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