Summer 2019
The 2019 LMGI Awards
promise to be our best
event ever. We received 142
unsolicited submissions
from around the world ... all
of them showing an adept
understanding of the value
of locations for setting the
tone and enhancing the
narrative. Our nominees are
visual powerhouses that will
Peter Weir on the set of Witness. Photo Courtesy of Paramount Pictures
knock your socks off! (see
page 20). Online voting has
begun, so be sure to choose
your favorite location-driven
Check out our new promo:
watch?v=qtuQiYJQGgw. In six
short years, we have honored
hundreds of international
location professionals and
featured celebrities, including
Jeff Goldblum, Billy Crystal,
Michael Mann, Joe Pytka, Wes
Anderson, Danny Boyle, Dennis
Hayslip and Alexander Payne.
This year's Honorary Awards
include veteran LMGI location
manager Mike Meehan as
our Lifetime Achievement
winner. Iconic director Peter
Weir will accept our Eva
Monley Award. The Hidden
Empire film group, comprised
of the altruistic Deon Taylor,
Roxanne Avent and Robert
H. Smith will take home the
Humanitarian Award. More
surprises will be announced
soon, including this year's host
and additional presenters.
We are the Emmy precursor,
so there is already a lot of
buzz around our show. With
Atlanta Spring
On April 13, our largest event
ever in Atlanta offered training
and networking opportunities
to regional location
professionals. Co-hosted
by Stone Mountain Park
and the Evergreen Marriott
Hotel, we drew a crowd of
more than 125 people. LMGI
members Lenzi Sealy, Michael
Woodruff, Ryan Schaetzle,
Sam Idelson, Kyle Carey and
Matt Chamberlin taught two
professional development
workshops: Scouting Basics
and Fundamentals for
Assistant Location Managers.
LMGI members John
Latenser and Andrea Keener
moderated the Roundtable
for location managers. The
event offered educational
opportunities for professionals
of every level.
LMGI President Mike Fantasia
welcomed members and
potential members interested
in joining the Guild. "The
Far right: Mike Fantasia/LMGI
Photo by Karen Brand
LMGI is excited to continue
to invest in the advancement
of the craft as a whole," said
Numerous commercial
sponsors also attended
the social portion of the
day, networking with the
location community. Both
city and county government
representatives for filming
also attended. According to
Mac Gordon, LMGI Board
member and co-organizer of
the event, "The sheer number
of people here today reflects
the astonishing growth of
production in Georgia, as
well as the impressive growth
of the support industries we
all rely on. All these vendors
and sponsors have Georgia-
based employees and have
invested in this region, and
it's all built on the statewide
tax incentives. The LMGI is
thrilled to begin offering local
training for those in our craft
and more educational events
are on the horizon."
members coming from
around the world, tickets will
be going fast—they are now
available on our website:
Be sure to get yours early!!
Front: Nancy Haecker/LMGI. Photo by Karen Brand