Computer Graphics World

Summer 2019

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"The fact that you can calibrate your monitors automatically with the built-in colorimeter - for me this is paradise. Also, the interface and presets are consistent with the language used in the industry, so it's easy for the artist to decide which color space they are working in. These characteristics make EIZO very interesting to us:' products/ coloredge Marc Cote CEO, REAL by FAKE Visit EIZO@ the SIGGRAPH 2019 � thrive U� � 1 � R�/ 1 \l I:: Los Ang es - 28 July - 1 August BOOTH# 1130 .Elz□· "The fact that you can calibrate your monitors automatically with the built-in colorimeter - for me this is paradise. Also, the interface and presets are consistent with the language used in the industry, so it's easy for the artist to decide which color space they are working in. These characteristics make EIZO very interesting to us:' products/ coloredge Marc Cote CEO, REAL by FAKE Visit EIZO@ the SIGGRAPH 2019 � thrive U� � 1 � R�/ 1 \l I:: Los Ang es - 28 July - 1 August BOOTH# 1130 .Elz□· "The fact that you can calibrate your monitors automatically with the built-in colorimeter - for me this is paradise. Also, the interface and presets are consistent with the language used in the industry, so it's easy for the artist to decide which color space they are working in. These characteristics make EIZO very interesting to us:' products/ coloredge Marc Cote CEO, REAL by FAKE Visit EIZO@ the SIGGRAPH 2019 � thrive U� � 1 � R�/ 1 \l I:: Los Ang es - 28 July - 1 August BOOTH# 1130 .Elz□·

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