Computer Graphics World

Summer 2019

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I f we have learned nothing over the past decade since the characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) began gracing the big screen, it's that each Avenger can easily carry his or her own film all the way to resounding box-office success. But, when they band together, it's a total game changer – and none more so than the recent Avengers: Endgame, which toppled box-office records even before it was released. As of press time, its success continues, poised to surpass Avatar as the top-grossing movie of all time – this aer just two months' time. In fact, of the top 10 highest-grossing movies, half are Avenger-related films – and only one of those five centers on a single Avenger (Black Panther), while the other four movies feature a team – proving their power in numbers. With more Avengers on screen come more visual effects scenes. And in End- game, the 22nd film in the MCU, there are many – nearly 2,500 out of roughly 2,700 shots in the film contain VFX. In comparison, Avengers: Infinity War had approximately 2,700, and since the two films were shot back-to-back, many of the studios on Infin- ity War continued their work on Endgame, a direct sequel, as did Directors Joe and Anthony Russo. According to Dan DeLeeuw, Endgame's visual effects supervisor, 13 ven- dors worked on this show, with Weta Digital AVENGERS: ENDGAME – A VISUAL EFFECTS EXTRAVAGANZA FROM BEGINNING TO END BY KAREN MOLTENBREY MATTER of TIME Images © 2019 Marvel Studios.

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