CDG - The Costume Designer

Spring 2019

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18 The Costume Designer Spring 2019 There are many opportunities for CDG members to tackle topics both challenging and enjoyable through events and classes present- ed by our Education Committee and continuing education partner EIDO. Classes are a way to make the most of your CDG member- ship and to nurture your skills. All events and classes will be held at the CDG Office unless otherwise announced. CD Speed Interviews with Costume Supervisors June 2 Kimberly Seltzer's "Find Your Confidence" July 14 EVENTS: Managing change for managers June 1 Avoiding burnout July 13 Communication skills for the workplace August 3 Understanding personality types September 7 Effective presentation skills for leaders October 5 Additionally, the EIDO continuing education calendar lists many additional highly technical and job-specific classes which are available to CDG members and are free: For RSVPs and questions, please contact the Education Committee Chair Ivy Thaide at COURSES: EDUCATION Upcoming courses and events

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