Local 706 - The Artisan

Spring 2019

Issue link: http://digital.copcomm.com/i/1123465

Contents of this Issue


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EXTENDED FAMILY NEWS Judi Cooper-Sealy Hair Dresser Judi Cooper-Sealy was a hair dress- er and wig designer for more than four decades. She was known for her creative work on SCTV, Kids in the Hall and many projects with Martin Short. Feature films include Best in Show, Chicago, A Mighty Wind and Hairspray. The two-time Emmy winner passed away Dec. 15, 2018, after a long battle with dementia. She joined Local 706 in 1999 and withdrew from active membership due to her illness in 2017. She will always remain a Sister in our hearts. Services were held in Toronto. She is survived by her husband Joseph and her son Stephen. In Memoriam Hazel Catmull The ever-elusive Hazel styling hair on the set of Otherwise Engaged. deasypennerpodley Welcomes... Daniel Curet-roDriguez REALTOR ® 323.697.4559 dcuRET@dppRE.cOm AgEnT Lic. #02061033 Whether you or someone you know is looking to purchase or sell, I am never too busy to assist you and greatly appreciate your future business and referrals.

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