Local 706 - The Artisan

Spring 2019

Issue link: http://digital.copcomm.com/i/1123465

Contents of this Issue


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FREE Skills Training Courses for EligibleMembers! Fuel Your Career! FREE Skills Training Courses for Eligible Members! FREE Skills Training Courses for Eligible Members! Visit: Eido-Ed.com Visit: Eido-Ed.com Fuel Your Career! Fuel Your Career! There's a lot of laughter and a lot of tears. When you're with people four months out of the year, a lot happens in your life; some good, some bad. What we feel working on GLOW is that it's comfort- able. We never dread going into work no matter how early the call because when we get there, our friends are there. It's amazing for us to see each other and work with each other for so long. Right from the beginning, the cast had to start this show learning how to wrestle and do the moves. The elevated level of trust they have in each other to throw each other around like they do translates through the entire show. Everyone is protective of each other, happy and supportive. That starts at the top with Liz, Carly and our EP Leanne Moore. It's truly wonderful to work on GLOW. Theraesa Rivers and Lana Horochowski have been working together for more than a decade. Lana is credited on 35 series and TV movies, including GLOW, Mad Men, Masters of Sex, The Romanoffs and The Last Tycoon. She has been nominated for seven Emmy Awards and multiple MUAHS Guild Awards for her make-up work. Theraesa was recognized with one Emmy Award and five nomina- tions for her hair styling work on Mad Men, and three MUAHS Guild Award nominations. •

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