Local 706 - The Artisan

Spring 2019

Issue link: http://digital.copcomm.com/i/1123465

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Page 15 of 55

16 • THE ARTISAN SPRING 2019 All photos by Greg Grudt/Mathew Imaging The 6th Annual Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists Guild Awards were held February 16 at The Novo by Microsoft at L.A. Live. Actress/ comedienne Loni Love (The Real) returned to charm as host for the fourth year in a row. Julie Socash, newly installed President, and Randy Sayer, Business Representative, presided over the awards ceremony. TV personality, actor and singer Frankie J. Grande returned as star host of the "Live From the Red Carpet," presented by HASK Beauty, livestreaming on Amazon.com/live and on local706.org/live -red-carpet from L.A. Live's Novo Theater. Sue Cabral-Ebert, outgoing Local 706 President and award-winning make-up artist, was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award for Make-up by longtime friend and actress Linda Gray (Dallas). Legendary Emmy- winning hair stylist Robert Louis Stevenson received a Lifetime Achievement Award for Hair Styling from Margaret Avery, his hair stylist on The Color Purple and The Jacksons: An American Dream. Clockwise from top left: Melissa McCarthy; Loni Love; Business Rep Randy Sayer and President Julie Socash; Frankie Grande; The Novo; Robert Louis Stevenson, Life- time Achievement Award winner for hair; and Sue Cabral- Ebert, Lifetime Achievement Award winner for make-up. MAKE-UP ARTISTS & HAIR STYLISTS GUILD 6 th ANNUAL AWARDS

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