CDG - The Costume Designer

Winter 2019

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8 The Costume Designer Winter 2019 Awards season is upon us, and we get to celebrate the great work done by Costume Designers throughout the past year. We are in the 21st year of the CDG Awards and we continue to grow and shine a spotlight on the contributions we make as part of the storytelling process. We are honoring so much great talent. Betty Pecha Madden, our Distinguished Service Award recipient, shows us that our passion for Costume Design has no limits. After an amazing career as a Costume Designer, she continued to fight for the rights of artists and union members throughout the industry. Betty has been a tireless champion for us and we are finally giving her the recognition she deserves. We are celebrating the work of Ruth E. Carter, who has had an amazing career and is still creating greatness in all her endeavors. Distinguished Collaborator Ryan Murphy has created so many projects that are rich in Costume Design details, and our Spotlight honoree Glenn Close is an actor who has brought so many characters to life that she could give a master class on how to become the character. Pay equity is finally being spoken about in Hollywood. As a profession primarily done by women, our pay is not at the level it should be compared to our art department counterparts. We need to be vocal about this and make the industry understand and appreciate our value. One of the reasons we started the CDG Awards was to bring attention to the amazing work we do. We have definitely brought attention to the art of Costume Design, and we must remain vocal and keep the conversation going, so all artists are paid their worth. This is not only for Costume Designers but assistant costume designers and costume illustrators too. We are an integral part of the storytelling process. I am so proud to announce the promotion of Anna Wyckoff to CDG Communications Director. Anna has been our editor in chief for years and will continue editing the magazine, but she has always lent a hand in other areas as needed for the Guild. In addition to her magazine duties, Anna helps with press and outreach to our members, she helps produce our Legacy Videos series, oversees our website and social media, and is in constant contact with our members. So it was time to make her job title official, as she does so much for the Guild and we benefit from her passion for Costume Design. I have been costume designing the TV series Four Weddings and a Funeral in London for the last few months. It has been an amazing experience as I get to see so many of our UK members. The one thing I miss is our studio service friends. They really are a huge help to us and I want to thank them all. You make our life so much easier! I want to congratulate all of the nominees. We look forward to celebrating our honorees and all nominees at our awards on February 19. The event always sells out, so purchase tickets early. I look forward to seeing you there! In solidarity, Salvador Perez PRESIDENT'S LETTER UNION LABEL "Union scale is the floor. Why would you step on the floor if you can reach for the ceiling." –Betty Pecha Madden

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