Special Edition 2019

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S U P P O R T I N G M E M B E R S GOING GREEN SAG AWARDS PARTNERSHIP TO RESULT IN PLANTING OF 25,000 TREES T he Screen Actors Guild Awards® is experiencing some serious growth this year. The awards show, which has long been a leader in sustainable practices, is partnering with nonprofit conservation organization American Forests to leave a lasting and meaningful legacy, celebrating the show's first quarter century. American Forests will plant 1,000 trees for each of the Awards' first 25 years. These 25,000 trees will be planted by the end of 2019 in locations across the United States. The two organizations first joined forces in 2017, when American Forests planted 1,250 trees — one for each of that year's SAG Awards' attendees — in the fire-damaged Angeles National Forest. "The SAG Awards is proud to be joining with American Forests once again to make a positive impact on the world we all share," said SAG Awards Executive Producer Kathy Connell. "We welcome this opportunity to help offset the carbon footprint of the 25th SAG Awards production. The devastation wreaked by the recent tragic fires is a timely reminder of how important it is to be good guardians of our environment. Trees, like the art of acting, sustain and inspire us." With 25,000 trees creating a habitat for wildlife and improving the quality of air and water, no matter who gets The Actor this year, everybody wins. 2 5 TH SAG AWA R DS S P E C I A L 71 S AG A F T R A .O R G 2 0 1 9

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