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20 PAT R O N S | FA L L 2 0 1 8 pAT R O N P R O F I L E S Paul and Cindy Campbell followed Cindy's parents lead in supporting Torrance Memorial Medical Center. ALL IN THE FAMILY Consistency in care cultivates cross-generational support for Torrance Memorial. WRITTEN BY MARY SCOTT PHOTOGRAPHED BY SHANE O'DONNELL T he Campbell family's relationship with Torrance Memorial Medical Center spans decades, but it was Paul Campbell's trip to the emergency department that got the family involved with the Patrons program. Jim Campbell and his son-in-law Paul built their relationship around technology. Paul was part of the Silicon Valley revolution and Jim worked with some of the biggest names in the industry—IBM and Xerox. The two were not only colleagues but also really good friends. "We had great mutual respect for one another," Paul says. "I really looked up to Jim as a father figure."