The SOMM Journal

August / September 2018

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{ } 59 { south american wine } El Gaucho's lamb fea- tured with the Trapiche "Medalla" Cabernet Sauvignon. Premium Argentina CREATED FOR TRAPICHE'S 100TH ANNIVERSARY, MEDALLA CONTINUES TO SHOWCASE THE BEST OF ARGENTINA'S HALLMARK GRAPES by Courtney Schiessl / photos by John Valls THE YEAR WAS 1983, and Argentina's winemakers were in a bind. After years of high domestic wine consumption, Argentinians sud- denly started drinking less wine, resulting in a significant surplus. But while some wineries chose to simply pull out their Malbec vines— dismissing a signature variety that would later become a global block- buster—one of the country's most historic wineries instead opted to double down on its efforts to sell premium Argentinian wine. That winery was Trapiche, among the largest exporters of Argen- tine wine, and that decision marked the birth of Medalla: Thirty-five years after the launch of Trapiche's premium, single-varietal Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon, Medalla wines continue to win over Ameri- can buyers and consumers alike by offering complexity and balance that far surpass their price.

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